Vacation Cancelled? 9 Hilarious But Genius Ways To Bring The Trip To Your Own Home!

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Chances are, over the last several weeks due to COVID-19, you’ve had a serious shift in your daily schedule and future plans. Unfortunately, that means a lot of long-awaited vacations were cancelled or postponed. Luckily, the internet is full of seriously creative ways you can bring the trip to your own home!

Disclaimer- This article is not to make light of the seriousness of the situation. Rather, it’s to provide a laugh and give some ideas of how you can still enjoy the vacation you were so excited to go on.


The couple was not letting their cancelled cruise ruin their fun! Kick up your feet, turn on a youtube video like this one, and sip the day away. Even better if you throw your swimsuits on and crank up the heat in the house to really get into the spirit.

Beach Vacay

You may think that it’s impossible to have a beach vacay at home, but the internet is full of creative ways of how to bring the beach to you! Two ideas include-

  1. Your kids inflatable pool that’s been hiding in the shed all winter long? Dust it off and fill it up where you can lounge poolside all day long. Caution- you better pray that it doesn’t pop while filled up in your home.
Video Courtesy of ReuBekahVidz

2. gets creative with this option of allowing you to have your toes in the sand while still getting work done!

Image Courtesy-

Hiking Retreat

Where you planning on hitting the trails during your time off of work? Here’s a creative solution for those still wanting the workout. Take this to the next level and place your phone in front of you with videos of the trails you were going to take.

Treadmill TV has created a full youtube channel that hosts lots of different virtual runs. One of my favorites that I found was that of the Grand Canyon South Kaibab Trail. No matter where you were planning on hiking, there is likely a video of it on youtube.

You can find this video here->

Rock Climbing Tour

I’m not even sure what to say about this one.haha The creativity is 10/10 and I applaud his drive to never stop doing what you love! If you’re looking for a safer way to not miss out on your vacation while being stuck at home, perhaps consider just building a climbing wall! Here are 22 awesome ways you can do just that.

Disney Vacation

The Hearn Family was a set to go to Disneyland when the park was closed to the public. Instead of letting them ruin their vacation, they got creative! Take a look at the video they created below. I’m inspired by their creativity!

Camping Trip

Personally, I think this may be the easest trip to salvage if it was cancelled. Sure, if you live downton NYC, it might be a little tricker. So if you find yourself needing to camp indoors, here’s some genius ideas of how to have an excellent indoor camping experience!

Image Courtesy-

If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard, set up the tent and enjoy!


A Vacation Abroad

Let’s all be honest with ourselves and say one of the biggest reasons that we vacation abroad is because of their food! Each country has their own unique cuisine but it doesn’t mean you need to miss out just because your plans were thrown out the window.

Research local dishes of the place that you were going to visit and try recreating it at the house.

Pro-tip- Turn on some background music that is native to the country you were going to visit while cooking


Road Trip

If you’ve got kids, this is an especially creative idea! Steal one of the long-forgotten cardboard boxes out of the garage and have the family work together to build their own custom car!

After that, the possibilities are endless. My favorite idea is to set up the vehicles in front of the TV and turn on a movie about the place that you planned on road tripping to! Or if you really want to experience said place, go to Youtube and type in “Road trip through _______”. Here’s one from Arches National Park in Utah that I really like.

Image Courtesy- Business Module Hub

As much as I know how much it sucks to have a vacation cancelled, there is always a silver lining to be found! If you come across any other creative, funny, genius ideas of how to vacation at your own home, please feel free to send them my way!

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