Can babies and toddlers get jet lagged?
The short answer is YES! Jet lag in babies is definitely a real thing! Jet lag can last typically for 1-3 days after flying. Follow the steps in the video to help ease it! Note- the day after flying, I typically let Briggs sleep a little more than usual. Flying is hard on their little bodies so giving them a little bit more beauty rest is totally okay! Just don’t let them sleep all day or they may be up all night long at your new destination 🙃
Check out this Instagram Video about way you get help with jet lag!
How to deal with time change when traveling with a baby or toddler
Time change can be difficult for babies and toddlers. Because of which, it can be scary to book a trip with a significant time change. Be sure to watch the video below with some additional tips on how you can help your baby or toddler deal with time change from the very first day on vacation!
The fourth tip that the video below talks about is keeping their bedtime routine as close to the same as it is at home. This means that I bring a travel sound machine, make the room as dark as I can with black out blinds, or use the Slumberpod! If you want a discount code for the Slumberpod, use BRIGGS.
Check out this Instagram Video about way you get help with jet lag!
Learn how to help your baby sleep on the flight to help with jet lag!
Traveling East To West
Below you’ll find two very helpful videos specifically for when you’re traveling east to west and then west to east!
Some things to note when traveling different time zones from east to west:
1. The day after traveling they may be more tired than normal
2. Depending on how large the time difference is it could take as little as a day or up to a week (maybe more) for babies to adjust.
3. When I took Briggs from Utah to Hawaii, no matter what I tried I couldn’t get him to sleep in until 6am (his normal wake up time) as he would always get up at 5am. Perhaps if we’d been there longer than 5 days I would’ve gotten him to shift that hour more.
4. Give yourself and your little one grace! Easier said than done 🙏
Check out this Instagram Video about how to travel east to west!
Traveling West to East
Personally, I like traveling west to east much better! Typically this means that your baby or toddler will sleep in and stay up later. And when traveling, this is ideal for my schedule! It means we can stay out longer for dinner and get to enjoy sleeping in the next morning.
Check out this Instagram Video about how to travel west to east!

Be sure to check out all my video guides about time change here!
Check out our complete course about Flying With A Baby Under Two Years Old!
Use discount code BRIGGS for a limited time!

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